How to find Bluegill beds | On The Hook Fishing
Anglers – you want to know the “what”, “why,” and “how” of finding these big hammer bluegill.Â
Jump alongside Jeremy Mattingly and get your Garmin 34 with perspective mode. Let’s get to it!
In today’s episode, Jeremy Mattingly takes you on the water to share his crappie fishing knowledge with you.Â
Let’s get started with “How to find bluegill beds”
We use side scan and Garmin perspective mode to find, stay on, and catch bluegill on Reelfoot Lake. We also show what bluegill beds look like on side scan and Livescope.
hey guys jeremy mattingly coming back at
you i’m out here at real foot lake i’ve
got my sidekick mr coulter we’ve got us
a bucket of crickets and we’re going to
go out there and show you the
what why and how of finding these big
hammer bluegill
right now we’re in middle of june
water temps around 86 degrees we’re
gonna end up side scanning down uh the
grassy shorelines
and we’re going to be looking for
anything out of the ordinary if there’s
a clump of grass stuck out we’re going
to look for a bed right there if there’s
a tuck in we’re going to look for a bed
right there i’m going to show you
exactly what these fish look like on
side scan so you know what you’re
looking for and you’re not wasting your
time fishing other stuff i’m going to
show you just exactly what they look
like on
the garmin this is the new 34 and it’s
in perspective mode
they look exactly the same with the 32
in perspective mode i haven’t saw a big
difference between a 32 and a 34 when it
comes to perspective mode we’re gonna be
slip bobbering for some hammer bluegill
and we have to have a good time
so if you have not please uh like like
our channel subscribe to it let’s get to
it guys let’s go find somebody’s
right there is just exactly what we’re
looking for right there
you can see all of those fish in the
we are getting ready to have a real good
time right here that’s that’s exactly
what you’re looking for when you’re
looking for a bluegill bed
right here is the bed and there’s the
what you got there son
i got one of them dad
oh boy
oh boy
oh my goodness do you see where my
bobber went down at
there right there is a full grown one
yes sir
a slab daddy right there that’s what
that is
jeez what a bluegill hey hey hey what
are you oh my god now you don’t got my
pick your rod up
here you don’t got it all over my screen
all over my face
i got the same real up close i know
exactly how big he is
y’all’s kids ever do stuff like that to
oh my goodness
oh wow
oh did you get one yes you did
oh man that’s awesome oh get him on the
trolling motor flip him in
god dawg yeah spin around here we can
show him to the camera jeez
you’re a big fish
these big fish on this bed right here
now we’re out here fishing a bed
and this right here is a male picky rod
this right here is a male uh bluegill
and he’s defending the bed and i caught
the catfish here while ago
the catfish is in there trying to eat
the eggs and the fry and these big
bluegill are in there trying to defend
the nest from the catfish
a very simple slip bobber rig
just a very simple slip bobber
split shot
needs to be at least four inches above
your hook but no more than about ten
yeah there’s plenty of fish on there
the wind’s pushing us into the bank
seeing bubbles out there
pitch out past my bobber
dang i have got right up on top of this
i do not like getting right on top of
the bed
because when you go to running your
trolling motor watch your bobber
because when you go to run in your
trolling motor you’re prop washing it
freaking the fish out
and that’s when they will completely
shut down on you
so if you can you want to stay off of
them just a little bit if you got a
marker buoy throw a marker buoy out
that way you know about where you’re at
or you can look at the bank and try to
triangulate exactly where that bed is so
you can pitch back into it the whole
now i have not got my power poles back
and the way the wind’s swirling spot
lock will allow the back end of my boat
to spin around and end up right on top
of it and that’s what we’re trying to
keep from happening
there’s one
yes sir
did you see where my bobber went down at
that’s where the center of the bed is
thing you’ll see me jigging my rod a
whole lot i do not like letting that
bobber set steal
i want to drag it through their beds get
right up in their face make them mad
that way they’ll eat it
and that’s why you got a partner right
god dawg
oh my goodness
you hit almost exactly where in bubbles
man oh man
look what a gill
jeez i hate not having power poles
cannot explain how bad i hate not having
them on here yet
new boat power poles are on their way
they’re ordered just like everything
else or on back order though
jacking up my bluegill fishing
oh feisty one
feisty feisty feisty
yes sir
well i got a feeling we’re gonna put a
pumpkin on
air coulter
get them some footage
of what we’re looking at here
all right right here’s the fish that
we’re looking at all right
and as i spin the trolling motor
uh this is on that garmin’s perspective
you can see the flash of the fish right
in there right up against the log the
ones right up against the log right here
is what it is that we’re fishing for
get a better look
okay right there’s a bluegill he’s in
the hole you can see him he’ll start
swirling and that’s when you get the
bubbles coming up to the top of the
10 to 12 feet hanging out very far at
all come on in there filter
they’ll be swimming in circles they’re
defending their nests they’re cleaning
it out they’re all riled up they’re
trying to get everything out of there
that they can’t
okay there’s the there’s the main part
of the bed that right there is what
we’re looking at trying to fish you can
sit there watching bluegill and then in
their beds
that’s their little pie plates you can’t
see it very good because it’s right up
against that stump
there we go there we go that’s a good
come here baby
come here baby
that’s all i can say
good pitch
what is that what is that what is that
it’s got some poo to it bull
god dog
what do you think about that son
that all right
you think that’ll work
that one’s still on there
gosh dawg
you got that one off yet
this is
i thought i just totally missed it
i believe it was my exact word totally
good job
i just wanna
see where i was
oh that’s a good fish too
yes sir it’s a good fish
now that just came off that bed that we
side scanned and marked and came back to
when the beds they look like little pie
and like a speck of salt in them on side
skin that’s what i was showing y’all a
minute ago
and honestly
and honestly
if you’re not seeing that there’s not a
lot of use in stopping and fishing spend
your time finding the fish and then have
a good time fishing
instead of trying to fish every single
little thing
find the stuff that you’re confident in
and then fish that
set your depth
to mine
oh my goodness
that dude there’s got some pool
oh double double baby double
oh my goodness let’s see it thing
that is that’s what it’s about right
there so you don’t want to spend all
your time
fishing every little thing you only want
to fish
where that the fish are and we
saw them on sidescan we knew where they
was and we got in there and we jacked
them up if you have not liked and
subscribed please do so and make sure
you check out our tv show on the hook
guys we appreciate y’all tuning in we’ll
be back at you soon